
Stock e disponibilità
Disponibile: 0
Stock in entrata: 5,000
Quantità A disposizione
5,000 09/03/2024
Offsite Stock: 19,954 ($50 Linea min)
Spedizione rapida *: 07/15/2024
Spedizione standard: 10/01/2024
Nuova produzione: illimitata ($250 Linea min)
Spedizione rapida *: 08/26/2024
Spedizione standard: 11/12/2024
* Aggiungi la quantità desiderata e fai clic su AGGIUNGI AL CARRELLO per vedere le tariffe e le opzioni accelerate.

Scambia i numeri di parte

  • MCMASTER-CARR 5288T245

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 0.00032 lbs
Shipping Dimensions 0.501 × 0.501 × 0.118 in






SPEC SHEET: Nitrile Rubber (NBR) 90 Durometer.pdf

Nitrile Rubber (NBR)

Material Description

Nitrile rubber, also known as NBR or Buna N, is one of the most commonly used sealing elastomers due to its resistance to petroleum-based fuels and
lubricants and its relatively low price. Nitrile elastomers are copolymers of acrylonitrile and butadiene. There are a number of common variations of
nitrile compounds.

Acrylonitrile Content

The acrylonitrile (ACN) content of the polymer chains can be varied from 18% to 50%. Lower ACN content gives better low-temperature properties but poorer
fuels and polar lubricants. Higher ACN content gives poorer low-temperature properties but improved fuels and polar lubricants resistance. Standard NBRs
typically have 34% ACN content.

Cure system: Sulfur-cured

Standard Nitriles are usually sulfur-cured. Sulfur-cured compounds offer better low-temperature properties but are more prone to hardening with high
temperatures. Peroxide-cured nitriles have better heat resistance and lower compression sets but are more expensive and more difficult to process.

Temperature Range:

Standard Low Temp: -40°C (-40°F)

Standard High Temp: 100°C (212°F)